About company

(Ekstraktu rupnica)

“L.E.V.” (Ekstraktu rupnica) is specialized in plant extracts and food supplements manufacturing. “L.E.V.” (Ekstraktu rupnica) produce effective botanical extracts , using gentle extraction technologies. We constantly offer new products easy in its application, flexibly responding to the customers’ needs and market trends, in close cooperation with all our partners.

Formulas for extracts manufacturing are developed taking into account green direction which means organic and natural sources.

Collaboration, quality, respect

We keep contact with the raw materials producers. It helps us to collaborate with the suppliers with trust and respect, feel our responsibility for environment resources, so as to trace materials growth, its secure and culture of its processing. Organic sustainable sector is in our preference. Our traditional source area is Europe. There are also herbs from all over the world each from the native plant country. Careful in-coming raw material surveillance is a key to safe the finished product and secure attitude to the nature.

Our History


  • Company was founded , was specialized in manufacturing


  • Manufacturing of botanical extracts was started. One of the main ingredients supplier for cosmetic manufacturing in the territory of the former Soviet Union


  • Started as a private enterprise


  • Introduce the line of dietary supplements and starts contract manufacturing service


  • Launch the organic products certified by ECOCERT


  • Gets the License for API manufacturing


We offer our partners ideas and long-term experience in working with natural materials, which can serve as the basis for creation of the new and advanced products to meet the needs of the consumers:

  • we develop ethical manufacturing
  • we promote health products manufacturing from renewable source
  • we develop green technological processes using renewable energy
  • we collaborate with the partners with trust and respect
  • we provide responsible and ethic collaboration spirit with the suppliers and customers
Growth per year


  • Mēs cienām cilvēktiesības, darbiniekus un cilvēkus
  • Mēs nodrošinām veselīgu un drošu darba vietu saskaņā ar augstākajiem standartiem, pilnībā ievērjot vietējos un starptautiskos noteikumus
  • Mēs nodrošinām sociālo atbildibu, izmantojot starptautiski atzītu standartu atbilstību
  • Mēs cienām dažādu kultūru, reliģiju un paaudžu cilvēkus
  • Mēs sniedzam ieguldījumu vietējā sabiedrībā
  • Mēs samazinām ietekmi uz vidi, radot mazāk CO2, taupot enerģiju un ūdeni, izmantojot enerģiju no atjaunojamiem avotiem
  • Mēs samazinām atkritumus, tos šķirojot un darām visu iespējamo, lai tos samazinātu
  • Mēs veicinām ilgtspējīgu lauksaimniecību un atbalstām vietējos lauksaimniekus
Operational and business integrity
  • Mēs cienām uzņēmuma ekonomiskas veselības saglabāšanu, sasniedzot mūsu BLUE PLANTE 2020
  • Mēs ievērojam kvalitāti un standartus, lai nodrošinātu pārtikas nekaitīgumu un samazinātu bojātu produktu risku
  • Mēs pieliekam pūles, lai augtu ilgtspējīgi
  • Mēs pastāvīgi palielinām ilgtspējīgi iegūto izejvielu īpatsvaru
  • Mēs respektējam intelektuālo īpašumu un līgumiskās vienošanās un noteikumus
  • Mēs darām visu, lai uzlabotu klientu apmierinātību

Our achievements

75 %
of employees females
70 %
of waste from the agricultural raw materials used in production are utilized in compost
62 %
of energy used in production are produced by our solar station


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